Thursday, May 3, 2012

The Rise of McDonald's and Fast Food Franchises in America

What comes to mind when you hear the words "Fast Food?' Do you think of the salty french fries, the greasy burgers, and the cold soft drinks? Or do you think of the fast service, the catchy advertising slogans, and the low prices? Ordering fast food at a fast food joint has become just as common as going to school or work. In fact, just about 25% of Americas eat fast food every day. I found that statistic here. There are about 50,000 fast food chains around the United States, McDonald's being the largest. I also found that information on the same website. Since people eat at fast food restaurants so often, they might often forget how fast food started or how their lives might be without it. 
Before the 1950s, there was really no such thing as fast food. Then, in 1948,in San Bernadino, California,  McDonald's opened its first of many restaurants. The first items on the menu were hamburgers, cheeseburgers, soft drinks, milk, coffee, potato chips, and a piece of pie. The menu has changed since now, but the impact the first fast food restaurant had was immense. It allowed Americans to eat meals on the go and not have to waste time cooking meals at home. Eating fast food was cheaper as well; the first McDonald's burgers were sold for a  low price of 15 cents. I found all of that information here!

McDonald's wasn't the only fast food chain that was on the rise. In 1954, Burger King was founded and they introduced their famous flame broiled burgers. Burger King basically offered the same menu items as McDonalds, but it was another restaurant and a new and different way to eat meals. I found that information here.  To put into perspective how quickly fast food became, in the 1970s, Americans spent around 6 BILLION dollars on fast food alone. I found that astounding fact here
In the present day, Americans spend billions of dollars on fast food every year. In 2000, we spent a whopping 110 billion dollars on the greasy delight. I also found these facts here. So, it can be said that the fast food industry has had a massive impact on the economy in a relatively small amount of time. 
However, just because the fast food industry has brought large amounts of wealth to the economy, doesn't necessarily make it a good thing. Fast food has been linked to childhood and adult obesity and mistreatment of animals. Childhood obesity has just about doubled since the 1970s, when fast food started taking off. I read about that statistic in this article. "Fast food is heavy on fat, salt and sugar, and reduced nutrient. Fifteen percent of American children are overweight and the number is growing" (Schlosser 1). Many fast food companies are also criticized for the way they treat the animals they raise for slaughter. This website has a video and information about how McDonald's mistreats chickens. 
Over the years, the fast food industry made an immediate and lasting impact on Americans and people all over the world. It gives us a fast and easy method for meals and makes them affordable. Fast food can also be dangerous to your health, as I have shown in numerous statistics. The fast food empire also gets into loads of trouble with animal rights activists about the way the treat their animals used in their products. So I think that we can all agree, our lives would be completely different had fast food not come along. 

Monday, April 2, 2012

Great Depression Picture

Children on East Sixty-first Street, probably between First and Second Avenues 
Walker Evans-1938

In this picture, Walker Evans shows that everyone, not only adults, were affected by the Great Depression. The picture shows a group of young boys standing around with what looks like nothing to do. The boys look sad and dirty, obvious victims of the Depression's wrath. 

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Conscientious Objectors in WWI

When I was first assigned the topic of conscientious objectors, I was both worried and excited. I was worried because I feared there would not be a lot of information on the subject. I was excited because I would be able to learn about something new. So, after some intensive research, this is what I came up with!

A conscientious objector is "a person who, on the grounds of conscience, resists the authority of the state to compel military service" ( Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia, 1). I found that quote here. There were several types of conscientious objectors. Some were pacifists who did not agree with the war, some were politicians who thought that Germany was not the enemy, others were in religious groups that believed the war was against their religious beliefs. These religions included the Quakers and Jehovah Witnesses. I found that information at this website. Conscientious objectors were known by others as conscies or CO's. I also found that here.

Lord Roberts, the British Army Commander in South Africa had this to say about conscientious objectors "compulsory service, I believe, as distasteful to the nation as it is incompatible with the conditions of an Army like ours, which has such a large proportion of its units for foreign service. I hold moreover, that the man who voluntarily serves his country is more to be relied upon as a good fighting soldier than is he who is compelled to bear arms." I found that quote here. I found this quote to be interesting because it came straight from an army official and gives his thoughts on objectors against the war.
Both the United States and Great Britain had plans for the conscientious objectors. The objectors could either work in noncombatant military service, nonmilitary activity that aided the war effort, or activity that was considered important to society. However, pacifists that were not recognized by the government were treated worse. About 5,000 conscientious objectors were put into jail in the US 1940-45. I found that information here.
There was an organization called the No-Conscription Fellowship .This organization was made up of the Socialist Labor Party and some Quakers. The leaders of this group were charged under the Defense of the Realm Act and were fined for their actions. The members that did not pay the fine were sent to jail. I learned about the No-Conscription Fellowship here.

Overall, I had an enjoyable experience researching conscientious objectors in WWI. I did not realize the number of people all around the world that were against the fighting.

Monday, January 30, 2012

WWI Archive Research

For my research of the WWI Archive, I read the original copy of Dulce et Decorum Est, written by Wilfred Owen. The poem is a description of the author, a soldier in WWI, being attacked by mustard gas. I like this poem particularly because of the author's vivid description of the attack. This is also interesting because since it is the original copy, the reader can see the author's thoughts as he wrote the poem. I found this here.